An Update from Kleem Law regarding Coronavirus

Coronavirus Update

I hope you and your family are safe during this difficult time.  I want to update you on ways that I am responding to the Coronavirus epidemic.

1.  I am still working.  I can work from my house or by going into my office.  I have the ability to speak with clients over the phone or through video conferencing.  As you might have guessed, though, I am not meeting people in person right now.

2.  I am still taking cases.  My systems are able to work through the disruption that the virus has caused.  If you need to reach out to discuss an adoption, divorce or personal injury claim, like a car wreck or wrongful death, please feel free to call and set up a time to talk.  

3.  I can still file cases even though the Courthouse is closed.  There are certain things that may continue to be delayed, like big contested hearings, but some things may start to happen, like uncontested matters.  Also, if you find yourself in a dangerous situation due to domestic violence or spousal abuse, there are things that can be done to protect yourself.  Please give me a call.

4.  Also, if there is a situation that may require immediate action, like a child being in danger with the other parent, I can get you in to see a Judge for immediate relief.  Give me a call about this as well.

5. For existing clients, please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.  I am here and available, as always.  

6.  Please take good care of yourselves and your families.  Be safe and be well.

I look forward to talking with you….



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